8 Ways to Learn a New Skill Faster

How to Learn a New Skill: A guide

We always wish to acquire a new skill, but often fail, either it’s too difficult or too boring. But it is not as we think, learning as a process, needs to be more efficient so as to help you learn better. There are many techniques out there that can help you learn better, all scientifically tested and proven. But let’s not go there today, at least not in this post. Here we combine all the various ways our learners and Gurus have used to their advantage. Learning a skill depends on a few factors like your interests, the complexity of the topic, and the way you opt to learn. Take a look at these tips to help you learn better.


Pick-up topics that interest you

Initially learning a new skill can be time-consuming and even frustrating at times. But to start off well, you need to pick up topics that you relate to. This will generate a lot of curiosity around that topic which will eventually help you focus better and learn the tough part of the same topic with fewer efforts. Also make sure you start off with a relatively easier topic, taking it slow will keep you motivated and once you are in the “zone”, you can take up difficult topics.


Break it down

It’s easy to become overwhelmed with the prospect of self-improvement. Instead, concentrate on one or two talents at a time and break them down into attainable goals. Break down lengthy and tough topics into smaller and simpler versions. This will help you retain these bite-size lessons better, and over a period of time these small versions will make up the whole skill.

Set Milestones

Before you start off with a new skill make sure to define a few milestones. What are milestones exactly, you ask? In short term, learning objectives, let’s say you want to learn coding in HTML. Let’s say at the end of week 1, test your coding skills and see how far you’ve come, make a point of celebrating every minor victory you achieve during the learning process. This way you can keep a track of your learning process moreover the attitude change that this technique does is massive. This positive reinforcement will motivate you to keep learning new skills.

Do it to learn it

You must have heard “Practicing makes a man better”, that does hold true. If you ever listen to an interview of any successful person, they constantly mentioned how they used to outdo everyone’s practice to become what they are. Practicing not only helps you get better at the concepts but also helps you understand how the same can be applied across various processes.

Let’s say you want to become a designer. You start off with a few blogs about creating layers in a design. But if you actually go to design software and play around with various options around layering, you’d realize how the same can be changed and put to better use. Imagine doing this for a couple of weeks, tadaaa! you’re a master now, you know various implications and the way you tweak the same using some option.


Find a mentor

Learning can be a lonely process; you may find yourself lost among the tough topics. To avoid this try finding a mentor who will either help you by teaching you those skills, or a mentor who can guide you through the topics and can help you with a few learning resources. This way you can always be sure that you’re on the right path and never get lost moreover if some expert helps you learn, you can be confident about covering all the important topics along with their practical implementations.


Join a workshop

Believe it or not, workshops are one of the most underrated way of learning a new skill. Yes, they do come with a little price, but trust me it’s the best way to start off or deal with a complex topic. To get the most of the workshop, try learning the skill by yourself and note down all the things that you’re not able to comprehend. This way when you attend the workshop you can get your doubt solved and even understand the topic better.

Be consistent

Learning a new skill is not an overnight process and mastering it is even more long term. Make sure you set aside a focused time to deal with the desired skill. Try making a schedule that is practical and can be easily followed. Let’s say you set aside an hour every day to learn that skill or maybe say you’re working and can’t give an hour daily, set aside a couple of hours on weekends, but make sure you religiously sit and learn that skill in the focused time.

Take a time-off

Breaks are very underrated, the right amount of break between study sessions can help you actually learn better and more efficiently. We’ve discussed the best way to study in one of our instagram posts, take a look here. You may wish to modify this technique and make it work to your advantage. Burn-offs are common, but must be avoided at all costs, in case you face one, try to take a break from studies for a few days and focus on self-care and your mental health, maybe engage in few outdoor activities as well as pursue your hobby.